Population and Health in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is claimed to be an extremely packed city with serious ageing problems. What is actually happening there?

Posted by Emily Cheung on March 17, 2017

Can you image how would it look like when over 7 million people living in an area with just a hundred square kilometer? Take a look at Hong Kong, the most densely populated city in the world, and you will find the answer! Same as many other developed countries, Hong Kong is undergoing a serious ageing population issue. Most people attribute the problem to the low birth rate in recent decades. But, is that the truth? Below are some data sets that may help you clear your mind!

The above bar chart shows that birth rate has dropped significantly in the past 40 years. In 1965, over one hundred thousand babies were born. However, 50 years later, the number reduced a half that only sixty thousand babies were born in 2015.

The above line chart shows a remarkable increase in the life expectancy at birth from 1960s to 2000s. It is believed that the well-developed Healthcare System is the caused of the raise in life expectancy at birth. As human has a higher chance to survive through all the sicknesses, disasters, and accidents they encountered. A higher survival rate implies human could live longer. Therefore, the longer the life expectancy at birth, the more serious the ageing problem would be.

The below scatter graph shows the Weight-Height ratio of baby from 19 to 21 Months. It reflects the health of newborn babies in Hong Kong.